Roanoke County Projects Update

Submitted by Megan Cronise, Roanoke County Planning Department

Spring Beauty arrives at Plantation and Williamson Roads

Spring is almost here and with its arrival Friendship Retirement Community, in partnership with WRABA, will spruce up the northeast and northwest sides of the intersection of Williamson Road and Plantation Road. WRABA planted several trees and bushes in this location in 1999, and new bushes and plants will supplement the mature stock currently in place. “Landscaping Planted By” signs will also be installed as part of the project which falls under VDOT’s Comprehensive Roadside Management Program. One of the requirements of the program is a public hearing with the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, which was held February 28th, 2012. At that meeting the Board endorsed the project. WRABA, through a bid process, has awarded the planting and maintenance to Richard’s Landscaping.

Next VDOT’s approval will be sought. If your business is interested in sponsoring a similar area or if you have any questions about this project, please contact Megan Cronise, Principal Planner, by email at or by phone at (540) 772-2068 ext. 282 or the WRABA Office by email at or by phone at (540) 362-3293.